Heating ceramic parts
The “Heating ceramics” product group includes parts of electric heating assemblies, which include heating spiral carriers (e.g. boiler rollers, plate carriers, shaped carriers, smooth and profiled pipes) and auxiliary assembly parts, such as washers, heating element carriers, bushings, etc. All these products are made of proven material C511 Pyrostat. An integral part of the heating rods are the heads enabling the connection of the rods to the electricity source. These parts are mainly produced from material C221 – Steatite.

Basic paramatres of C511 Pyrostat:
Chemické složení: Al2O3/SiO2
Typ keramiky: C511 (mullit)
Maximální teplota použití: 1500°C
Vnitřní rezistivita při 30°C: 3 – 6 x 10-6 K-1
Vodivost při 30-100°C: 1,2–1,7 Wm-1K-1
Objemová hmotnost min.: 1,9 g/cm3
Barva: Béžová, oranžově hnědá
Otevřená zd. pórovitost: Max. 30%
Tolerance rozměrů: dle výkresové dokumentace